Climate protection
I have been dealing with climate protection for 25 years. Seeing the deterioration of the condition of our Earth over several decades, I understood how important it is to protect our habitat. Throughout my professional career, I have worked to put together a solution package for the situation when humanity realizes: there is a big problem.
This moment has arrived: more than 90% of people (2019 data) understand and know that climate change has occurred thanks to our harmful activities, and the survival of humanity is now in question. "The name of the future is LIFE" c. In my book, I developed a complex solution package for this. I regularly give lectures on this topic, organize courses, and help companies with climate protection expert opinions.
Let's work together to protect our Earth and the future of our children!
Also available in English!
The name of the future is LIFE
A solution to climate change, or 6 programs of change
Did you know that population extinction is a scientifically proven, realistic future? The extinction of bees and the drastic decline in food production threaten us in the near future, and this is just the beginning... It's time to take active action against them!
But is there a solution to the glue change problem? The answer is: YES! You can see the cover image of the book containing the answers right next to this text.
I came to the correct answers in almost 30 years. In my book in everyday language, I present a system, any element of which you can easily implement in your life, regardless of whether you want to actively fight against climate change as an individual, as a parent concerned about the future of your children, as a company manager, as an educator or as a politician. The book not only provides a solution to the climate crisis, but also makes your life better, and even sets humanity's social problems in the right direction. As you know, social happiness, world peace and the solution to climate change come from the same source.
Courses, consultations, expert opinions
I. Let's act actively against climate change
Climate protection course for individuals
Within the Green University Program of the University of Pécs, anyone can visit the "Solution to climate change" free of charge. my course. This is a 14-week lecture series, which includes "The name of the future is life - a solution to climate change, or the 6 programs of change". the main guidelines of my book, and summarizes the possible technical, economic and social solution alternatives for activities against climate change.
Once a week, for 14 weeks, one and a half hours per lecture. The course starts in February and November of each year.
In the main building of the Faculty of Technology and Informatics of the University of Pécs (Pécs, Boszorkány út 2.). Inquire about the exact room here !
Group size
The presentation takes place in an audience of 200 people, there is no upper limit on the number of people.
Participation fee
Participation is free.
II. Achieving carbon neutrality economically
Climate protection course for company representatives and company managers
Would you like your company to be a profitable and stable business even in a future that is becoming increasingly uncertain due to climate change? Would you like to develop towards a more climate-conscious company so that your company's economy improves in the meantime? If you want to believe that your company can be an active part of the fight against climate change, then the course provides important answers in the direction of moving forward. We help you to develop the right attitude and how to create successful concepts and directions in the life of your company.
The 2050 carbon neutrality objective of the European Union applies to all companies and organizations. To achieve this, it is necessary to create a carbon neutralization plan, with the help of which this objective can be achieved along the lines of the most optimal developments.
This is how the training works
The course consists of six sessions and takes 1 day per month. The goal is that by the end of the course, each participating manager/representative company will have their own carbon neutrality roadmap. In addition to the attendance sessions, the course includes online or personal consultations every two weeks.
We cooperate with the Pécs-Baranyai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PBKIK) in connection with the training. PBKIK adult education license number: E/2020/000151, adult education registration number: B/2020/006151.
The subject of the training is structured as follows:
How big is the problem? What changes does the current climatic situation mean for Hungarian companies? Connection between the economy and climate change and the relevant legislation. How to set optimal carbon neutrality goals?
Calculation of the current carbon balance and its methods.
Legal and economic possibilities of carbon balance reduction. Technical options for reducing the carbon balance, part 1.
Technical options for reducing carbon balance/greenhouse gas emissions, part 2. Comparison of different technical, legal and economic options. Cost-benefit analysis.
Development of a cost -effective carbon neutrality roadmap.
Summary, presentation and evaluation.
We start the courses continuously depending on the number of applicants, so if you are interested in the topic, apply or sign up for more information!
Six sessions of the course will be held in person at Hegedűs János u. 7630, Pécs. at address 4. But if needed, I also hold courses in other cities.
Group size
Minimum number of participants for the course:
It starts with groups of 10 people.
Participation fee
The price of the entire course (6 full-day lessons + 6 consultation sessions) and the finished carbon neutrality itinerary is now on sale instead of HUF 600,000
only HUF 499,000 + VAT
III. Attitude-shaping course on solving climate change
Course for opinion leaders and trainers
Within the Green University Program of the University of Pécs, anyone can visit the "Solution to climate change" free of charge. my course. This is a 14-week lecture series, which includes "The name of the future is life - a solution to climate change, or the 6 programs of change". the main guidelines of my book, and summarizes the possible technical, economic and social solution alternatives for activities against climate change.
Once a week, for 14 weeks, one and a half hours per lecture. The course starts in February and November of each year.
The presentation takes place in an audience of 200 people, there is no upper limit on the number of people.
Group size
The presentation takes place in an audience of 200 people, there is no upper limit on the number of people.
Participation fee
The presentation takes place in an audience of 200 people, there is no upper limit on the number of people.
ARC. Climate change and society
For politicians, decision-makers, social organizations
Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about climate change. Because of this, people who exert a great influence on our society (politicians, decision-makers, representatives of social organizations) often steer the development of society in the wrong direction based on wrong information. If you want to make our world better, greener, and more peaceful, based on objective, scientifically based facts, I will gladly and gladly transfer my almost 30 years of research, inventor, instructor, and expert knowledge to you.
As a taste, I will list some topics that my clients have listened to with satisfaction in the past:
1. Realities and misconceptions about climate change, what is the realistic future? (1.5 hours)
2. A solution to climate change or the 6 programs of change (6*1 hour, shorter version 3*1 hour) (The 1st presentation is required for this!)
3. How can a company become economically carbon neutral? (1.5 hours)
4. Green heat and electricity supply (1.5 hours)
5. The importance of water - eco-conscious water management (1.5 hours)
6. Green industry, agriculture and food culture (1.5 hours)
7. Green transport, infrastructure and green architecture (1.5 hours)
8. What can you do against climate change? (1.5 or 3 hours)
9. Carbon capture procedures, carbon offset and other methods for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (1.5 hours)
We start the courses continuously. The theme is always tailored to individual needs. If you are interested, show up or sign up for more information!
Group size
Minimum number of participants for the course:
It starts with groups of 10 people.
The courses are held in several cities of the country, depending on the number of applicants and their place of residence.
Participation fee
The fee varies depending on the length of the course, for which we provide a unique offer.
V. Climate protection expert activity
I have the expert authorization of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers
My main activities:
Energy balance and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission analysis and planning
Preparation of greenhouse gas (GHG) accounts and reports
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction plan
Energy mix optimization, planning and implementation of green energy projects
Carbon footprint calculation and creation of a carbon neutralization plan
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Preliminary Examination Documentation (EVD)
Climate resilience study
You can find more information about our services here .
The deadline is unique depending on the order.
We give you a unique offer for a custom cut.
VI. Personal consultations
I will answer your individual questions with almost 30 years of experience
If you have specific questions for which the above courses and other information sources do not provide adequate answers for you, or you would like to find targeted, quick solutions, I will be happy to help you achieve your goals.
By agreement.
Participation fee
Hourly rate, based on individual agreement.