HUF 5,999
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The name of the future is LIFE
A solution to climate change, or 6 programs of change
Did you know that population extinction is a scientifically proven, realistic future? The extinction of bees and the drastic decline in food production threaten us in the near future, and this is just the beginning... It's time to take active action against them!
But is there a solution to the glue change problem? The answer is: YES! You can see the cover image of the book containing the answers right next to this text.
I came to the correct answers in almost 30 years. In my book in everyday language, I present a system, any element of which you can easily implement in your life, regardless of whether you want to actively fight against climate change as an individual, as a parent concerned about the future of your children, as a company manager, as an educator or as a politician. The book not only provides a solution to the climate crisis, but also makes your life better, and even sets humanity's social problems in the right direction. As you know, social happiness, world peace and the solution to climate change come from the same source.
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"The name of the future is LIFE" has already set off on its "World Conqueror" journey!
Buy the book on Amazon, which can be delivered to your home anywhere in the world in printed copies in Hungarian and English.
In Hungarian
In English
HUF 4,999
The book can be ordered with domestic delivery directly from our webshop in Hungarian and English.
LET - method I.
The book of understanding your life
During my 21 years of self-development and helping others, I developed a system that I named the É.LET method. LIFE, formed from the abbreviation of the words Life Supporter, Soul, Mind, Body, is what I now live in deep respect for. LIFE in capital letters is happiness itself, but life in small letters is something else, which unfortunately characterizes most of us in our distorted society. You also came to the planet called Earth to live your capital LIFE! The É.LET method is a system developed in an enjoyable tone, illustrated with personal examples, with the help of which you too can achieve this. For this, I will give you two important ground rules:
If your spiritual vibration level rises, so does your happiness.
In order to develop, you need to take care of your soul, body and mind!
In order to achieve success, I present 21 practical methods in the book, so I give you not only the whys, but also the hows.
I look forward to this wonderful adventure on the way to your happier LIFE!
Would you like to order the book abroad?
"The Book of Understanding Your Life" has already set off on its "World Conqueror" journey!
Buy the book on Amazon, which can be delivered to your home anywhere in the world in printed copies in Hungarian and English.
In Hungarian
In English
The English version is expected
From February 1, 2025
will be available on Amazon.
HUF 5,999
The book can be ordered with domestic delivery directly from our webshop in Hungarian and soon also in English.
LET - method II.
The book to change your life
The spectrum of the spiritual vibration level and methods of emotion transformation
As an author, I believe that a reader's opinion is the best company of my book, so as a book reviewer, please kindly accept the reader's opinion of Rozi Göndöcsné Bátai, a graphologist, mental health consultant, and motivational self-knowledge guide:
"The É.LET method II. it is an exciting self-discovery adventure even while reading it, but we can expect lasting change only if we go through the path that requires serious consistency, during which it becomes possible to learn the transformation of vibration levels and the emotions associated with them. What does this mean? Well, for a deep and comprehensive understanding of this, you need to read this book! I believe that the first reading of the book will convince you to start using the teachings in practice, that is: start studying based on this textbook, the time required for which will be different for everyone. But positive change is not only guaranteed, but also necessary if we feel real responsibility for ourselves, our family, and the world."